DAY 3: Approval Addiction

You have nothing to prove, because you are approved. Easy to say but hard to believe, isn’t it? Especially in our culture today which teaches us to look for approval in all the wrong places.

Growing up, I was the oldest of three girls and grateful to be a part of an amazing family. I have two incredible sisters and parents who love us selflessly. Blessed is the word that comes to mind when I think of my family.

When I was young, however, I experienced some difficulties that caused me to struggle with my sense of worth. Throughout the course of my childhood, I found myself looking for approval through the way I looked, how smart I was, my athletic abilities, my friends, and more. My approval addiction was a continuous battle that led to hurt, frustration, and the feeling of emptiness.

Have you ever been there before? Maybe you have spent your life comparing yourself to someone else, feeling as though you may never measure up. Have you ever tried to convince yourself that you would feel approved if or when ____________ would happen? It might be a relationship you are waiting for, an income you want to reach, or weight you need to take off… and then you will feel approved. The list goes on and on.

Everywhere I look in our world today, people are trying to tell us how we should look, live, dress, believe, who we should believe in, how much money we should make, or what college degree we should have. It all sends a message that we don’t measure up the way we are. Can you say exhausting???? In a world of social media facades, it sure is easy to compare our worst to everyone else’s best. This can create serious discontentment and loneliness.

Reading this you may be thinking, yes I can relate but what is the solution…. Don’t worry, it’s coming!

Job 28:13 says, “No mortal comprehends its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living.” Woah… Did you just read that? The Word of God, our manual for life explains that our worth CANNOT be found here on earth… period, end of story. So powerful and so profound yet why do so many spend their entire life looking for approval/worth in our worldly system.

This should set you FREE… NEWSFLASH, you don’t have to search any longer for approval or a sense of worth, because when God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you and me… that was Him saying, my son/daughter, I love you, you have my heart, and I approve of you!

At this point, you should be breaking out in your HAPPY dance:) This is a simple and profound truth that can radically change your life. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 says, “For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our heart.”

As I sit here typing the words that God is laying on my heart, I want to be honest with you about something. By no means do I think that I have arrived. God is working on my heart everyday as I continue to SURRENDER my life, dreams, future, goals, etc. to Him. Each day you and I must choose to focus on the promises of God and view life from the perspective of God’s approval of us. It’s not always easy. As believers, we have been given the authority to overcome the schemes of the enemy. As you grasp onto God’s love and approval of you just as you are, the enemy will do everything he can to convince you otherwise. You MUST take authority over the lies and negativity of the enemy, and claim the promises of God over yourself daily, even hourly… whatever it takes.

ACTION STEP: Here is where the fun starts… Take a moment and repeat the following out loud to yourself, encourage your family to participate as well.

I am APPROVED by God; therefore, I have nothing to prove. I am LOVED by God, and will love others the way Christ loves me. I am CALLED by God for His Kingdom purposes. I am CHOSEN for such a time as this. I am COMMITTED to reaching my God-given potential. My name is _______ and I am just getting started.

With love,
Brielle Hoffman


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